
Showing posts with label Aeonians Education. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aeonians Education. Show all posts

Saturday, 13 February 2016

Aeonians Education : How to Create Simple Web Pages

How to Create Simple Web Pages

Web Page
                       A web page is a web document. which have all the information and content about any topic or related to any organization. Basically web pages are like your visiting card in full description. You can create your personal or professional web pages. A single web pages are connected with multiple web pages with use of multiple links of web pages. we use many methods to make my web page creative.the basic need of web pages is the programming language to create a web page. we use HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) to create web pages.The next part in web pages are web browser. the web browser displays a web page on your devices. The web browser only support the HTML language to show the Web pages.The browser support two types of web pages. Static web pages or Dynamic web pages. The static web pages are simple web pages which only show the normal contents in web pages. The Dynamic web pages are connected with multiple inherit functions to show the dynamic information use of differential methods.

             The world wide web was invented by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989.The sir Tim Berners-Lee create world wide web with help of Next-Computers. he Created first web browser to support multiple web pages.when you create web pages you need to understand how web pages works. a simple popular web page "". we all used google to find any information. The First Part of web pages works with help of "URL" (Uniform Rescouce Locator). Its store all the information about web pages.The Second Part of web pages "www". The world wide web is a open source information space where documents and others web information are accessed with help of internet.The third part of web pages is "google". Its name of your web page which help to others to easily open your web page.The Last Part of Web Pages is ".com".  its a type of domain. The domain .com was one of the first top level domains in the internet. 
Domain Types
.edu stands for Education.
.gov stands for government.
.org stands for organization.

Create Web Pages:
                                A web pages only supports the Html Language to show the web page in web browser. Their are two ways to create web pages.
First you open your notepad then write the code in html and save notepad file in .html extension . then open the page in web browser.
Second you use many software to create web pages. its provide drag and drop facility. In use of software you modify the content page as per your requirement.

In this tutorial we learn how to create simple web page  with help of notepad with HTML.

Step 1:
          In First Step you Create a new Folder in your desktop. and press windows + R Button to open your Run command. then write "NOTEPAD" in run command and press enter. so your notepad opened.
Right Click in desktop to create folder
Add folder name

Press Windows + R Button to
 Open Run command
Write Notepad in
Run Command

Step 2:
           In second Step you save the open notepad file "Source.txt" in your folder.

Save Notepad file in Web Pages Folder

Step 3:

Html Code


My First Web Page


          In third step you need to write the html code.The Basic Rule of HTML language are its structure. The Element  start with <HTML> and end with </HTML>. if you open any tag you need to close your tag in html.The second part <HEAD>  in this part you add your java script and css file . we add title or meta description in head tag</Head>.The Next part <BODY> the body is a main part of html. the web browser only show the body part </BODY>.

Step 3:
Save file in .html
 Its is main step in web page to compile in web browser. we need to save the source file in ".HTML" Extension. 

Step 4:
Its is the last step , right click in your html file and click to open. ,So web browser will open and show the body text part.

Its is the basic lesson of HTML , in Next part we learn more basic terms and advanced html.